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The Founder And His Mother

EarthE CBD Founder Scott Carlino believes in the benefits of making CBD part of your daily supplement routine.


Scott has suffered the symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) all his life. He empathizes with those that suffer from anxiety or a sense of fear, insomnia, addictive behavior… just a general sense of unease in daily life.

picture of EarthE CBD owner scott and his mother
Scott And Mom

Often people with OCD suffer from drug addiction and alcoholism, unstable relationships, and generally periods of state of unease.

Being a certified food scientist after graduating from culinary school and Montclair State University food science program, Scott became familiar with CBD and helped formulate a product that relieves his symptoms and at the same time is not addictive nor causing a sense of being “high”.

Scott’s mother suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Insomnia.  Scott recommended to his mother, Ellen, to experiment with his formulated CBD products.  The insomnia symptoms disappeared almost immediately and after a few weeks the RA effects significantly lessen enabling her to reduce prescription drug intake.  Ellen’s pain is more manageable and her mobility has greatly increase allowing a much better daily experience of life.

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